Archive by Author
Listening to #DMLCommons Blog Talk Garage. So great to see the #OpenCourse being kicked off by @hrheingold, Jim @jimgroom and Alan Levine!
— Anna Keune (@akeune) March 23, 2015
'So many of us think w/ our fingertips. Just start blogging and see where it goes.’ -@hrheingold. LIVE @ #DMLcommons
— Connected Learning Lab (@CLLab) March 23, 2015
Embarking on the #dmlcommons "Professional Pathways" course. Or, as I'm calling it to give myself a kick, 'shut up and start blogging'!
— Ashley Gasten (@ashleygshaw) March 23, 2015
Psyched to hear @jimgroom, @cogdog, and @hrheingold talk about learning, communities, and blogging! #dmlcommons @dmlresearchhub
— Nick Wilson (@ncwilson78) March 23, 2015