

The Digital Media and Learning Research Hub’s goal is to continue to build an inclusive and expansive network of teachers and students, and to provide educational offerings that make high quality, meaningful, and socially connected learning available to everyone.

DML Commons

DML Commons is a connected course that centers on convening community around topics in digital media and learning.

The course offered spring of 2016, Program Evaluations for Connected Learning, will explore different theories and approaches to evaluate connected learning in the field. Participants will be provided with practical experience in the process of educational program evaluation by exploring “real world” problems brought forth by youth serving programs serving as case studies. This course is intended to study real world scenarios and to identify real world evaluation solutions.


In 2013, the DML Hub, as part of the MacArthur Foundation-supported Digital Media and Learning Initiative, launched Reclaim Open Learning, an effort to explore the intersections between higher education, open learning, and the connected learning model in the midst of MOOC mania. The effort focused on returning to core pedagogical and learning principles, the ethos of the open web, and end-to-end faculty and student innovation when attention was shifting to large institutionalized initiatives and old-school, top-down pedagogical and learning models.

In fall 2014, the DML Hub offered Connected Courses, an open, online class teaching higher education faculty ways of developing and teaching connected courses. 

DML Commons offered two class modules in spring of 2015. One course focused on discussions around professional pathways for interdisciplinary work, and another one on design-based research. Both classes targeted graduate students, postdocs, junior scholars, and in the spirit of the open web, invited anyone who wanted to join in.

We again invite everyone to continue to connect and innovate with us as we build a community of practice tied to an open network.



DML Commons is a thematic initiative of the Digital Media and Learning Research Hub at the University of California, Irvine and is supported by the MacArthur Foundation.