Archive | July, 2015

Back to the Old Stomping Grounds: Summer Gig

After completing my third quarter of the Ph.D. program,  I was fortunate enough to  find a summer job.  Another life lesson I learned from being in the graduate program was being able to function under less than ideal conditions and being extremely resourceful.   This summer I have the opportunity to serve as a consultant for a summer camp.  Although the writing camp (morning sessions) have been institutionalized for fifteen years,  this year the agency director is launching a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) pilot program as an afternoon elective.  After taking my research apprenticeship and interests into account,  the director was gracious enough to offer me a specialized position as an advisor/consultant figure for both the elementary education group as well as the secondary education group.

Strangely enough,  returning to this agency as a consultant has been such an incredible experience already. I realize just last summer I was sitting among another group of teacher-leaders-in training and anticipating my next chapter as a doctorate student.  Attending workshops,  meeting scholars within the network, and encouraging my colleagues.  I reflect upon my own thinking when I am out in the field,  testing my assumptions, and also refining my theoretical frame. Of course these processes are essential if I want to continue developing "researcher eyes"  How do I think about my work and the work of others? What are my roles and relationships in a highly-situated activity system?