Alas poor @bpenuel! A fellow of infinite iteration and most excellent conjecture. #DMLcommons #tragedies #comedies #DBIRedies
— AnterO))) Garcia (@anterobot) May 4, 2015
Archive | May, 2015
Got Qs that didn't get answered during a #DMLcommons webinar? Add them to the forum here & let's start a discussion
— Connected Learning Lab (@CLLab) May 4, 2015
Thank you @susanjurow @bpenuel @dizzvh @learnDBIR @sinemsyh @DanielaDiGiacom for joining us today & the wonderful conversation #DMLcommons
— Connected Learning Lab (@CLLab) May 4, 2015
@susanjarow how do you design for students to be historical agents? How do you study as becoming? #DMLcommons
— jgmac1106 (@jgmac1106) May 4, 2015
'All the failures you had are really important to talk about.’ @susanjurow LIVE: #DMLcommons
— Connected Learning Lab (@CLLab) May 4, 2015
@sinemsyh brings up such a valuable question of #dbr and designing through research. The role of product and people. #DMLcommons
— jgmac1106 (@jgmac1106) May 4, 2015
Great conversation happening now at #DMLcommons
— Connected Learning Lab (@CLLab) May 4, 2015
I like this idea of @bpenuel and retrospective analysis. #DMLcommons
— jgmac1106 (@jgmac1106) May 4, 2015