Collaborative #acwri involves more than just the writing team: journal editors, trusted readers. It's public, wide. @remiholden #dmlcommons
— Michael Munnik (@michaelmunnik) May 6, 2015
Archive | May, 2015
Writing is a public process - @remiholden #dmlcommons
— Anna Keune (@akeune) May 6, 2015
"Most successful collaborations had people with different strengths" @aleciamarie #dmlcommons
— Anna Keune (@akeune) May 6, 2015
'It’s a good idea to try a small project w/ others before jumping into something big.’ @aleciamarie LIVE: #DMLcommons
— Connected Learning Lab (@CLLab) May 6, 2015
'It's important to figure out who you can’t work with when writing collaboratively.’ @daniherro LIVE: #DMLcommons
— Connected Learning Lab (@CLLab) May 6, 2015
"It’s just so worth it.” @mizuko’s thoughts on #collaborativewriting. LIVE: #DMLcommons #academia
— Connected Learning Lab (@CLLab) May 6, 2015
How do you set expectations and responsibilities around authorship and when to publish when writing collaboratively? #dmlcommons
— Anna Keune (@akeune) May 6, 2015
@remiholden suggests to set clear expectations for collaborative writing #dmlcommons
— Anna Keune (@akeune) May 6, 2015
Jump on the Etherpad to add notes, Qs & relevant resources for today's #DMLcommons webinar happening now
— Connected Learning Lab (@CLLab) May 6, 2015