Fri. 10AM PT: Join us as we tackle your Qs about writing, #gettingpublished #DMLcommons
— Connected Learning Lab (@CLLab) May 14, 2015
Archive | May, 2015
@ProfCrnkypants: Where if you see the mediating processes and not the outcomes expected, then underlying theory is likely wrong. #dmlcommons
— Kylie Peppler (@DrPeppler) May 13, 2015
@ProfCrnkypants conjecture maps: If the mediating processes veer from expectations, likely issues w/design and not the theory. #dmlcommons
— Kylie Peppler (@DrPeppler) May 13, 2015
@bpenuel: Interaction analysis has a premise that a cause of an action can be observed with what preceded before. #dmlcommons
— Kylie Peppler (@DrPeppler) May 13, 2015
@ProfCrnkypants: Conjecture map as a tool to organize research that encodes a set of relationships that you look for in research #dmlcommons
— Kylie Peppler (@DrPeppler) May 13, 2015
Caught the last bit of the webinar on "Conjecture Mapping" with @ProfCrnkypants & @bpenuel - when will the video be posted? #dmlcommons
— TJ McKenna (@tjscience) May 13, 2015