.@jsaadsu: you're constantly struggling with different stakeholders in PAR #DMLCommons
— Sasha Costanza-Chock (@schock) April 29, 2015
Archive | April, 2015
.@melissa_geog we need to think about power, extraction, participation, but also people are often happy for researcher support #DMLCommons
— Sasha Costanza-Chock (@schock) April 29, 2015
on research that matters being uncertain/changing.. grant application et al not scripted for that - @melissa_geog #DMLcommons
— monika hardy (@monk51295) April 29, 2015
Check out the #researchjustice community from @AlliedMediaConf https://t.co/o86MtbfdE5 #DMLCommons
— Sasha Costanza-Chock (@schock) April 29, 2015
Research Justice: http://t.co/S0NLRIPHsM #DMLCommons
— Sasha Costanza-Chock (@schock) April 29, 2015
.@melissa_geog notes in PAR, research questions should come from community, but funders expect researcher to lead #dmlcommons
— Sasha Costanza-Chock (@schock) April 29, 2015
#dmlcommons @melissa_geog points out difficulties of maintaining participation at dissemination stage of projects
— Alicia Blum-Ross (@aliciablumross) April 29, 2015
#dmlcommons folks, u can find the project I just described here: http://t.co/z7zkr5ZXKi
— Sasha Costanza-Chock (@schock) April 29, 2015
on becoming participators rather than designers/pushers - until that time we were always pushing for participation - @jsaadsu #DMLcommons
— monika hardy (@monk51295) April 29, 2015