Not all research, not all design, takes place in the university. Communities are already doing this work. #DMLCommons
— Sasha Costanza-Chock (@schock) April 29, 2015
Archive | April, 2015
particip. projects can be used by policy-makers like video by YP used by Hackney Council as part of #DMLCommons
— Alicia Blum-Ross (@aliciablumross) April 29, 2015
Also: more ppl should build funding for community orgs into PAR / PD projects! #dmlcommons
— Sasha Costanza-Chock (@schock) April 29, 2015
.@monk51295 @melissa_geog one thing to do is invite community members to present at university, academic conferences. #dmlcommons
— Sasha Costanza-Chock (@schock) April 29, 2015
on - for whom am i doing this participatory research - @jsaadsu #DMLcommons
— monika hardy (@monk51295) April 29, 2015
.@jsaadsu: it's one thing to present academic papers. But you've taken people's time! What are you doing for them? #DMLCommons
— Sasha Costanza-Chock (@schock) April 29, 2015
a bit of a dilemma - talking about participatory research at ie: an academic conference.. what is participatory - @melissa_geog #DMLcommons
— monika hardy (@monk51295) April 29, 2015