Session 5 (March 7 – 20)
Implementation variation is common in projects and can affect program outcomes. In this session, we will explore how a project that is co-designing a connected curriculum in English Language Arts is developing and using evidence of implementation of project-based units that integrate goals for socioemotional and interest-powered learning.
Big Ideas
- The “achieved” treatment strength is directly related to the integrity of implementation.
- Implementation integrity is sure to vary across settings of implementation.
- Implementation integrity is a function of processes designers can influence, processes they cannot, and characteristics of participants, implementers, and settings.
- Developing multiple forms of evidence related to integrity and conditions that shape it can add value to the evaluation for the client.
Live Event
Live Event: Monday, March 7, 10:00 AM PST (11AM MST/1PM EST)
Panelist: Joe Polman, Bud Hunt, Becca Kaplan
Online Reading
- Morozov, A., Herrenkohl, L., Shutt, K., Thummaphan, P., Vye, N., Abbott, R. D., & Scalone, G. (2014). Emotional engagement in agentive science environments. In J. L. Polman, E. Kyza, K. O’Neill, & I. Tabak (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 1152-1156). Boulder, CO: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Relevant Websites
Post to forum: Propose a practical measure for implementation of the session they are developing in Composing Our World. What are the questions you’d ask? Why would you ask them? What evidence would it yield that they could use to improve the session?