Developing Outcome Measures Tailored to a Program

Session 4 (February 22 – March 6)
Evaluation can benefit from locally-developed outcome measures that align with the specific goals of the program. In this session, we will describe how a team collaborated to develop a set of survey items intended to measure the outcomes of connected learning in a wide variety of programs that are part of the New York City Hive Learning Network.

Big Ideas

  • Instrument development is a costly but also invaluable aspect of evaluation, ideally focused on the most important outcomes to stakeholders.

Live Event

Live Event: Monday, February 22, 10:00 AM PT (11AM MT/1PM ET)
Panelists: Beth Rosenberg, Brian CohenRafi Santo, Dixie ChingNancy Otero


Online Reading


Post to forum: Which outcome measures are relevant to programs with/in which you work? How might you use them? How might you go about adapting the process described by the panel for your own purposes?

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